5 tips on how to move more whilst working from home

Exercises to do whilst working from home

Evidence is emerging that sedentary lifestyles and sitting for long periods without movement have been linked to health issues such as heart disease, depression, back and neck pain. The good news is that you don’t need to do a lot during your working day to counteract this risk.

When it comes to movement we need to be doing more than getting up to make a drink to benefit our health, but it doesn’t need to take long or involve any equipment. There are some quick, easy activities you can do in a small space to elevate your heart rate. 

  1. Stand up and dance energetically for 30 seconds

  2. 30 seconds of squats followed by 30 seconds of calf raises

  3. Step ups for 30 seconds on a step

  4. A brisk 10 minute lunch time walk

  5. 30 seconds of press ups (on the wall or floor)

Listen to your body and move when you start to get uncomfortable, as a guide every hour is a good idea. 


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