Joanna Jullien Joanna Jullien

The hidden cost to businesses:

In today's digital age, nearly everyone in the workforce is influenced by the presence of computers in their work environment. While this has revolutionised the way we work, it has also had a profound impact on employees' health and well-being. This blog will explore the cost to businesses of comfort issues within the workplace, particularly focusing on the adverse effects of sedentary desk-based jobs, musculoskeletal disorders, and the importance of ergonomic principles in fostering a healthier and more productive workforce.

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Joanna Jullien Joanna Jullien

what to look for when purchasing a new office chair

A question we are often asked is “what type of office chair should I buy?” When we carry out workstation assessments comments such as “I didn’t know my chair could do all these things!”, is commonly heard. The benefit of getting to know your chair and all the features it offers is you can then set it up to be most comfortable for you.

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